Good Has Never Tasted Better: Super Foods That Flirt with Your Taste Buds

those, except for high levels of sugar. Enjoy blueberries raw for their amazing taste and unbeatable benefits!

To some, this name might be unfamiliar, but Manuka honey —native to New Zealand—is gradually becoming a pantry celebrity.  Manuka honey contains anti-bacterial properties and, in a study conducted by the University of Sydney, killed nearly every type of bacteria it was exposed to . . . including antibiotic-resistant super-bugs! Manuka

honey has an antibacterial component that sets it apart from other honeys. This activity is stable and doesn't lose its potency when exposed to dilution, heat, or light. Manuka honey has been found to be effective against a range of bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori (which causes most stomach ulcers); Escherichia coli (the most common cause of infected wounds) and Streptococcus pyogenes (which causes sore throats). Manuka honey is

antimicrobial and antiviral. It is also an antioxidant that can increase vitality and immunity. Replace regular honey with Manuka honey and you’ll be amazed by the difference—it’s sinfully delicious!

Known for its distinctive taste, goat cheese is much more than just fancy dairy. Goat cheese, like goat milk, is easier on the human digestive system and lower in calories, cholesterol, and fat than its bovine counterpart. In addition, goat milk cheese is

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